Shankaracharya Temple
The Next Place you visit in Srinagar is 'Shankaracharya Temple' which is an exceptionally antiquated 'Heaven on earth' in the Jammu and Kashmir.
Ancient Temple on the Takht Hill. B.C. 200. Kashmir.
The Shankaracharya Temple dates to the fourth century BCE and is a standout amongst the most popular illustrations of ahead of schedule Kashmiri sanctuary construction modeling. It sits on what is currently called the Takht-e-Suleiman Hill sits above Srinagar. According to Pandit Anand Koul (1924), the sanctuary was initially fabricated by "Sandiman" (obscure) who, as indicated by Koul, ruled in Kashmir from 2629 to 2564 BC. It was repaired by King Gopaditya (426–365 BC) and by King Lalitaditya (697–734). Its rooftop was likewise repaired by Zain-UL-Abidin after a seismic tremor; later, its arch was repaired by Sheik Ghulam Mohiuddin, a Sikh senator (1841–1846).

Kahuna likewise specifies that King Gopaditya beside the sanctuary on the highest point of the slope as a sanctum to Jyesthesvara (Shiva Jyestharuda) around 371 BC. Abul Fazal likewise says that King Gopaditya constructed the sand.